miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009


Interviews followed the ten ZMET steps as outlined by Zaltman and Coulter
• Step 1: Storytelling. Participants were asked to describe the content of
each picture.
• Step 2: Missed issues and images. Participants were asked to describe
any issues he/she
was unable to find, to describe a picture representing the issue and
explain its relevance.
• Step 3: Sorting Task. Participants were asked to sort pictures into
meaningful piles and to
provide a descriptive label for each pile, thereby establishing major themes.
• Step 4: Construct Elicitation. A modified version of the Kelly Repertory
Grid and the
laddering technique (Kelly, 1963; Gutman, 1982; Reynolds and Gutman, 1988)
was used
to elicit basic constructs and their interrelationships.
• Step 5: Most Representative Picture. Participants were asked to select
the picture most
representative of the brand’s image.
• Step 6: Opposite Images. Participants were asked to describe pictures
that represent the
opposite of the brand’s image.
• Step 7: Sensory Images. Participants were asked to use other senses
(touch, taste, smell,
sound, colour and emotional feeling) to describe what does and does not
represent the
concept being explored.
• Step 8: The Mental Map. The interviewer reviewed all of the constructs
discussed and
asked the participants if the constructs were accurate representations of
what was meant
and if any important ideas were missing. Then the participants were
invited to create a
map or a “causal model” using the constructs that were elicited.
• Step 9: The Summary Image. Participants were asked to create a summary
image or
montage using his/her own images to express important issues.
• Step 10. The Vignette. Participants were asked to create a vignette or
short video to
communication important issues related to the subject topic.


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